What is rc-tabs?
The rc-tabs package is a React component for creating and managing tabs in a web application. It provides a set of features that allow developers to create customizable and accessible tab interfaces with ease.
What are rc-tabs's main functionalities?
Basic Tabs
This feature allows you to create basic tabbed interfaces. Each TabPane component represents a tab panel with its own content.
import React from 'react';
import Tabs, { TabPane } from 'rc-tabs';
const Demo = () => (
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1">
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1">Content of Tab Pane 1</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">Content of Tab Pane 2</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 3" key="3">Content of Tab Pane 3</TabPane>
export default Demo;
Animated Tabs
This feature adds animations to the tab transitions, providing a more dynamic user experience.
import React from 'react';
import Tabs, { TabPane } from 'rc-tabs';
import 'rc-tabs/assets/index.css';
const Demo = () => (
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" animated={{ inkBar: true, tabPane: true }}>
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1">Content of Tab Pane 1</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">Content of Tab Pane 2</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 3" key="3">Content of Tab Pane 3</TabPane>
export default Demo;
Vertical Tabs
This feature allows you to create vertical tabs, with the tab list displayed on the side rather than the top.
import React from 'react';
import Tabs, { TabPane } from 'rc-tabs';
import 'rc-tabs/assets/index.css';
const Demo = () => (
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" tabPosition="left">
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1">Content of Tab Pane 1</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">Content of Tab Pane 2</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 3" key="3">Content of Tab Pane 3</TabPane>
export default Demo;
Customizable Tabs
This feature allows for customization of the tab bar, enabling the use of custom classes and styles.
import React from 'react';
import Tabs, { TabPane } from 'rc-tabs';
import 'rc-tabs/assets/index.css';
const renderTabBar = (props, DefaultTabBar) => (
<DefaultTabBar {...props} className="my-custom-class" />
const Demo = () => (
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" renderTabBar={renderTabBar}>
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1">Content of Tab Pane 1</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">Content of Tab Pane 2</TabPane>
<TabPane tab="Tab 3" key="3">Content of Tab Pane 3</TabPane>
export default Demo;
Other packages similar to rc-tabs
react-tabs is a package that provides components for managing tabs in React. It is similar to rc-tabs but focuses on simplicity and accessibility, offering a more straightforward API with less customization options.
react-bootstrap-tabs is a component that integrates with the React-Bootstrap framework, providing tabs that are styled according to Bootstrap's design. It is suitable for those who are using Bootstrap for styling and want to maintain design consistency.
React Tabs
online example: http://react-component.github.io/tabs/
- left and up: switch to previous tab
- right and down: switch to next tab
import Tabs, { TabPane } from "rc-tabs";
import TabContent from "rc-tabs/lib/TabContent";
import ScrollableInkTabBar from "rc-tabs/lib/ScrollableInkTabBar";
var callback = function(key) {};
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="2" onChange={callback} renderTabBar={() => <ScrollableInkTabBar />} renderTabContent={() => <TabContent />}>
<TabPane tab="tab 1" key="1">
<TabPane tab="tab 2" key="2">
<TabPane tab="tab 3" key="3">
Usage of navWrapper() function
navWrapper() prop allows to wrap tabs bar in a component to provide additional features.
Eg with react-sortablejs to make tabs sortable by DnD :
import Sortable from 'react-sortablejs';
navWrapper={(content) => <Sortable>{content}</Sortable>}
name | type | default | description |
activeKey | String | | current active tabPanel's key |
tabBarPosition | String | | tab nav 's position. one of ['left','right','top','bottom'] |
defaultActiveKey | String | first active tabPanel's key | initial active tabPanel's key if activeKey is absent |
renderTabBar | ():React.Node | | How to render tab bar |
renderTabContent | ():React.Node | | How to render tab content |
navWrapper | (tabContent: React.Node):React.Node | | Wrapper function that will wrap around tab panes, whould be useful for features such as drag and drop |
onChange | (key: string): void | | called when tabPanel is changed |
destroyInactiveTabPane | Boolean | false | whether destroy inactive tabpane when change tab |
prefixCls | String | rc-tabs | prefix class name, use to custom style |
direction | String | ltr | Layout direction of tabs component, it supports RTL direction too. |
name | type | default | description |
key | Object | | corresponding to activeKey, should be unique |
style | Object | | |
placeholder | React.Node | | lazyrender children |
tab | React.Node | | current tab's title corresponding to current tabPane |
forceRender | Boolean | false | forced render of content in tabs, not lazy render after clicking on tabs |
name | type | default | description |
onTabClick | (key: string, event: MouseEvent): void | | callback when tab clicked |
style | | | bar style |
extraContent | React Node | | extra content placed one the right of tab bar |
tabBarGutter | number | | the gap between tabs |
tab bar with ink indicator, in addition to tab bar props, extra props:
name | type | default | description |
styles | { inkBar } | | can set inkBar style |
scrollable tab bar, in addition to tab bar props, extra props:
name | type | default | description |
onPrevClick | (e: Event): void | | callback when prev button is clicked |
onNextClick | (e: Event): void | | callback when next button is clicked |
prevIcon | ReactNode | | specific the prev icon |
nextIcon | ReactNode | | specific the next icon |
scrollable tab bar with ink indicator, same with tab bar and ink bar and scrollable bar props.
name | type | default | description |
children | (node) => node | - | Customize tab bar node |
lib/SwipeableInkTabBar (Use for Mobile)
swipeable tab bar with ink indicator, same with tab bar/ink bar props, and below is the additional props.
name | type | default | description |
pageSize | number | 5 | show how many tabs at one page |
speed | number | 5 | swipe speed, 1 to 10, more bigger more faster |
hammerOptions | Object | | options for react-hammerjs |
name | type | default | description |
style | Object | | tab content style |
animated | Boolean | true | whether tabpane change with animation |
animatedWithMargin | Boolean | false | whether animate tabpane with css margin |
swipeable tab panes, in addition to lib/TabContent props, extra props:
name | type | default | description |
hammerOptions | Object | | options for react-hammerjs |
If you want to support old browsers(which does not support flex/css-transition),
please load the following script inside head to add no-flexbox/no-csstransition css classes
npm install
npm start
Test Case
npm test
npm run chrome-test
npm run coverage
open coverage/ dir
rc-tabs is released under the MIT license.